A Fight For Fame Tickets 9/19.2010

Image of A Fight For Fame Tickets 9/19.2010


Help Support HaleAmanO as we enter our 3rd round for a fight for fame. All ages are welcome. A Fight for Fame is a project 5 years in the making. It serves to represent the talented, yet unsung musicians in your local community. Our goal is simple;to provide a stage of opportunity for deserving, hardworking, passionate, musicians. We seek to find the best band, solo act, hip hip group, that your city has to offer, and take their music career to the next level by offering expensive, or otherwise unattainable resources that are vital to a band’s success.

-Studio Recording Time
-Music Distribution(iTunes, Snocap, Best Buy, Walmart, etc)
-Band Imaging (Salon Contract, Professional Photoshoot, etc)
-Marketing Tools (Professionally designed and printed flyers, Media Interviews, Online Marketing)
-Band Exposure (Performance at prestigious Las Vegas Venue)
-Exclusive VIP Treatment (ALL ACCESS to exclusive Las Vegas night clubs, private pool parties, shows, etc)
-Merchandise (New Band T-shirts, and other merch)
-Career enhancement- Tours, national shows, opening acts etc.
..Plus more!
*Restrictions apply to prize package. Prizes can become unavailable or change without notice.

Our philosophy of "by musicians for musicians" is deeply founded in our history. This event is structured to serve the needs of independent bands that are ready to expand their career beyond the gates of their back yard.

From the creators behind Overtone Media, A Fight for Fame sits proudly among the other well established events such as The Surface Tension Series, Winter Jam Tour, Club Stereolab, Playboy Comedy Tour, and Others.

How is AFFF Judged?

Fair and Balanced // We employ a strict “fair and balanced” policy to guarantee the validity and integrity of the competition. Our judging and voting process has been time tested and is essentially fraud/ tamper proof. Offering a tangible grading system (vs. crowd cheering) has been the most effective and reliable method of avoiding conspiracy theories and nay-sayers.

Democratic Crowd Ballot System: Each person in attendance at AFFF will receive a ballot. The ballot will list each of the bands that are performing. Each attendee will be given the chance to circle the band they wish to vote for then drop it in a voting box. Votes will be tallied by the end of the night.

Judging Panel: Each event will be judged by a panel of industry professionals that will judge you on predetermined criteria.The principle goal behind a panel of judges is to implement a workshop-style judging environment. Regardless if your band ranks its way through the competition, our hopes, is for each band to learn from the musical experience of the judges and walk away with some fundamental knowledge they translate to becoming a tighter, more talented, driven band.

Whats in it for the fans?
The bands aren't having all the fun. We pay special attention to the fans. Besides providing quality entertainment for your viewing and listening pleasure, we also offer an unforgettable concert experience by appealing to all the senses. Our patrons receive the same 5 star treatment as the bands they came to see. We offer complimentary or discounted drink/ food specials, offer gift bags with exclusive product given away (Universal Music, & other sponsors), give away tickets to upcoming concerts etc. Exceptional customer service is the key to our success.

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/afightforfame#ixzz0vZgN95lh